Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Mystery of "Foothill Home" Postcard Solved!

- V. Keshishian said...
I think this house is at 1605 Arbor Dr. and is somehow related to the Los Angeles Times bombing of 1910.
Is the house related to the LA Times bombing of 1910? Yes!
From this "Treasures of Los Angeles Architecture" site:
Brockman had the house built in the style of the Bwick Reim Villa located in Hessen, Germany, his birthplace. The influence of the Prairie and Craftsman Styles are evident everywhere: large porches and public rooms, massive fireplaces, and rich wood paneling.Interesting!
I had the pleasure of visiting this remarkable property in July 2006, when it came up for sale for the first time in twenty-three years. The realtor who has the listing, Maureen Bush, had done quite a bit of research on the history of the estate. 'In the 1930s, the house was purchased by a prominent attorney, W. Joseph Ford, whose many famous trials include the notorious 1910 McNamara case where union members, The McNamara Brothers, bombed the Los Angeles Times Building (killing 22). The brothers also attempted to bomb the home of Otis, erstwhile Times owner. The defending attorney in the case was Clarence Darrow, who hoped to save the defendents from the death penalty.

Profile Of Jorge Acevedo

Glendale News-Press Now Blogging
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Adventures In Public Comment
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Nice Night Out In Atwater
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
“I don’t think people have to fear that this was a random act”**
- victim was 35 year old North Hollywood man
- was killed by several shots through driver's side window
- it appears victim was targeted specifically
- gunman "was wearing a blue-striped T-shirt and blue jeans", and, according to a witness, escaped in a "blue, four-door Ford sedan with tinted windows"
**More details from the police press release:
"The shooter was described as a male African American. After the shooting the suspect fled the location by running south through the parking lot and entered the passenger door of a blue American made sedan. The driver of this vehicle was also described as a male African American.
The victim had accompanied his wife to an appointment at a medical office located at the address. While sitting in their vehicle the suspect appeared and began firing at the victim, striking him several times. His wife was left unharmed.
Detectives and Forensic Specialists of the Glendale Police Department were called to the scene and combed the area for evidence and witnesses.
Preliminarily, Detectives do not believe that this was a random act, however are not ruling out any motive and are cautious not to jump to any conclusion. Detectives are requesting the public’s assistance. Should anyone have information regarding the identities of the suspects, the suspected getaway-vehicle or any information that may assist the Detectives, they are requested to call the Homicide Detectives at 818-548-3987. Anonymous Tips can be phoned into the Crime Stoppers Hotline at 818-507-STOP. Tips may be eligible for a cash reward.
This is the first homicide for the City of Glendale in 2009.
2008, 3 Homicides
2007, 2 Homicides
2006, 2 Homicides
2005, 19 Homicides (11 attributed to Metrolink)
2004, 5 Homicides
2003, 6 Homicides
2002, 9 Homicides
2001, 5 Homicides "
Murder On Colorado
According to the News-Press, police are searching for a black male who fled towards the 5 Freeway on foot.
Summer Nights In Atwater Village, Thursday 07/23
Live music, dancers, and more will be entertaining late into the evening (well, at least until 10PM) up and down the entire stretch of Glendale Boulevard. Summer Nights on the Boulevard is about to happen on Thursday, July 23, 6-10PM.Stores will be open late. Restaurants will offer sidewalk dining. And there’s more! The Complex, located just east of the Gas Mart, will feature live bands, dancers, and art exhibits. The parking lot at 3111 Glendale Blvd.(Starbucks, 55 Degree Wine, Crispy Crust) will have a dj, art exhibit, massages, and dancers. The Madera bump out will have no less than 10 bands, live dancers, and a cd release party. In front of The Little Knittery will be even more live music as well as live jazz in front of Hugo’s Tacos. Our homeless four-legged friends will be up for adoption via DAWS in front of Woof Dog Boutique. AND, in-between all of this excitement will be even more excitement. Yes, once again the Los Angeles spotlight will be shining brightly on our wonderful Village of Atwater.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Crime Wave Screening in Brand Park: Sunday, August 23rd*
when: August 23rd, 7:30pm
where: Brand Park, on the grass in front of the Doctors House
I will be presenting a slideshow about the film's Glendale locations after the screening. (I'll also be giving tours of the Doctors House that afternoon from 2-4pm). There will also be a photo show featuring images from the archives of the Glendale Police Department.
Vintage Glendale Postcard: Foothill Home Overlooking Glendale*

Does anyone know anything about this house?
*7/28/09 update: Thanks to a helpful comment, the mystery is solved!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Kyochon Chicken: Not Open Yet!*
* Update: Still not open as of 7/27/09
"Glendale: The City Beautiful" Historic Postcards

Here is the accompanying text, which gives an idealized overview of life in Glendale in the early twentieth century:
The words "glen" and "dale" are synonymous, each meaning a valley surrounded by hills. By combining the two words into one, the meaning is intensified - a charming valley encircled by inspiring mountains - a definition that seems particularly apt to those who have seen the city of Glendale, California.
A more beautiful setting for a modern city could hardly be imagined.
Situated in the eastern part of the level and fertile San Fernando Valley, encircled by rugged and towering hills, the azure sky above, semi-tropical fruits and perennial flowers on every hand - such is a picture of Glendale, the Beautiful.
The location of Glendale is ideal. The gentle slope to the southwest gives it perfect drainage. The mountains to the north and east protect it from winds, and yet aid in precipitating and conserving the moisture needed for vineyards, fields and citrus groves that enrich the community.
An altitude of about 600 feet above the level of the sea removes the lassitude so often felt in tropical climes. The healthfulness of this section has brought to our midst several sanitariums, notably a thriving branch of the famous Battle Creek institution.
Pure mountain water in abundance is conserved in the natural gravel beds of Verdugo canon and in artificial reservoirs for domestic and other use.
Eight miles by rapid transit over a scenic route, occupying 25 minutes, takes one to the heart of Los Angeles. The business men of Los Angeles can thus have their homes in this charming suburb, and bring up their families under ideal conditions.
Besides enjoying every benefit of the great city that lies at its very threshold, Glendale has-
Three strong, well managed banks.
Fine retail establishments representing all lines of business.
Two railroads - the Southern Pacific and the Salt Lake
Two interurban street car systems
One daily and two weekly newspapers
Fifty-five miles of paved and improved streets
A municipal lighting plant furnishing current at one third the usual rate.
A gas rate of 70c per thousand, soon to be further reduced by the piping of natural gas.
A Merchants' Association that commands results.
An active Chamber of Commerce with 450 members, whose Secretary will be glad to answer further inquiries.
The leading religious denominations are each represented by one or more thriving churches, with able pastors.
No saloons or other contaminating influences are countenanced in the community.
The musical and literary tastes of our people are well satisfied by clubs and societies, some of which are soon to erect their own exclusive homes.
Fraternal organizations are numerous and prosperous. The Masons and Odd Fellows have imposing buildings of their own. Others are in contemplations, the Elks having bought lots on which they soon will erect a modern clubhouse.
An atmosphere of home and home loving surrounds the community. Nearly every family owns its own home. You meet here delightful people from every corner of the globe. Newcomers receive a hearty welcome.
Glendale is justly proud of its schools. The best talent is employed in its teaching force. Imposing buildings are being erected to meet the rapidly growing demands. The capacity of the High School is being trebled. New Grammar Schools are being provided for. Pupils have every modern facility.
A commodius Public Library has just been completed.
Occidental College is only a few minutes ride by trolley from the heart of Glendale. Numerous colleges and universities, including the new State Normal School, are of easy access by trolley.
The San Rafael ranch was an immense tract of land which remained in the hands of the Spanish Verdugo family when California was ceded to the Union. These old Spanish dons gave their time to horse racing, cock fighting and gambling, with the inevitable result that their lands gradually passed out of their hands. Out of the wreck of this vast estate was carved the San Fernando Valley, a beautiful stretch of fertile land adjoining Los Angeles on the north.
The Patterson, Byram and Phelon families settled in this valley in 1883 and laid the foundation for the community which later grew into the city of Glendale.
In 1886 the town was laid out and the next year a narrow gauge railroad was built from the new town to Los Angeles. In 1906 the village, having grown to about 700 souls, was incorporated. The subsequent rapid growth is best told in the pictures herewith presented. The Glendale directory compiled in June, 1913, shows 8,000 inhabitants.

Community Garden and Cruise Night Photos
Friday, July 17, 2009
Bike Ride to Community Garden Grand Opening Tomorrow
The garden is just west of the 134 and Glendale Avenue at 870 Monterey Road. Hope to see you there tomorrow.

Robbery and Shooting At Old Gyumri
Shortly after midnight Saturday, two armed and masked suspects entered the Old Gyumry Restaurant in the 4400 block of San Fernando Road and demanded money, police said.
The restaurant owner, Levon Taryn, refused to cooperate, and a struggle ensued.
During the scuffle, one of the suspects opened fire and struck the owner in the abdomen, hand and leg.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Glendale History Walk Photos
Thanks of course to Colin Bogart, Dave Ahearn, Jen Heaslip (of The Cave Wine Storage), Ramon Abueg (GWP) and Marc Stirdivant of the Glendale Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department.
Graeme Whifler has a much more complete set of photos from the event here:
Here is the handout given to participants, if you'd like to recreate the walk:

Friday, July 10, 2009
Tomorrow Is the Glendale History Walk

Late notice, but I've been so busy lately that I haven't even been posting about events that I'm directly involved in! Tomorrow morning Arlene Vidor of the Glendale Historical Society and myself will be leading a walking tour of downtown and central Glendale as part of the Glendale Safe and Healthy Streets project. We've also recently gotten word that parking in the Orange Street garage will be validated for those on the tour. Meet at 9:30am at the Chess Park across from the Alex Theater.