
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Exchange Claims Another Victim: Mashti Malone's

This week I noticed that the front of Mashti Malone's was covered in paper, so I took a look inside.

Everything has been ripped out. The depopulation of The Exchange continues. In related news, Dolci Mango has a sign up saying they are "Temporary Closed for Renovation - Remodeling". Hmm. There is no sign of life at Twinkles.

Workers are tearing up the inside of the Famima space, although For Lease signs were still up in the windows. None of the workers could tell me if anything specific was going in. It looks like they were just tearing out everything Famima related.

Also: what's going to happen to the life-size great white shark above the bar at Chuy's? I'm thinking it would make a bold statement in my one bedroom apartment...


  1. hey i found your blog somehow awhile ago..but read it a lot..keeps me up to date on glendale now that i don't quite live there these's really a shame to see what's happened to the exhange..not that it ever took off as intended, but a shame nonetheless...mashti malones? i didn't think that one would fold..too bad

  2. Bah, Mashti's closed?! I'm gonna miss it when summer hits this year...mmmm...rosewater ice cream....yum.

  3. Scott, what a shame about the Exchange... it never happened...has always had stores opening and closing..I am not sure why; personally, I have never liked the mega parking structure.
