
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Glendale History Walk Photos

Yesterday Arlene Vidor of the Glendale Historical Society and myself led 90(!) people on a 2.5 mile loop of interesting historical sites near downtown and central Glendale as part of the Glendale Safe and Healthy Streets project. Fortunately the day was not as hot as it might have been, and except for some technical difficulties with an obstinate bullhorn, everything went pretty smoothly. The route we took was basically my afternoon coffee break route. Highlights included stops at the Howard Street power sub-station, the Goode House, The Cave Wine Storage (in the basement of the historic Hotel Glendale), and 108 N. Brand, which, built in 1905, is downtown Glendale's oldest and least appreciated historic building. Here are some pictures from the event.

Thanks of course to Colin Bogart, Dave Ahearn, Jen Heaslip (of The Cave Wine Storage), Ramon Abueg (GWP) and Marc Stirdivant of the Glendale Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department.

Graeme Whifler has a much more complete set of photos from the event here:

Here is the handout given to participants, if you'd like to recreate the walk:

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