
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Brand Park Rescue Operation

While volunteering as a docent at the Doctor's House Museum in Brand Park this past Sunday, I had front row seats to a massive operation to rescue an injured hiker in Brand Park.

Glendale FD must have decided to make this a training opportunity, because the resources thrown at this hiker with a hurt ankle were unbelievable. I saw At least three full size fire trucks, three FD pickups or SUVs, a ranger SUV, two hook and ladders, Urban Rescue, an ambulance, Pasadena PD's Bell 206 helicopter, and finally, a massive H-3 Sea King from the LA County Sheriff's Department, which plucked the unlucky hiker from the Verdugos and landed him safely onto the baseball field at Brand Park. Glendale FD paramedics treated the hiker in the parking lot and released him.


  1. How did they learn about and locate the hiker? Did he place a 911 call from his cell phone? He's lucky he was conscious and only suffered an ankle injury.

  2. One of the hikers called from their cell phone. There was a brief blurb in the GNP:
