
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letters To The Glendale News-Press Getting Dumber

An easy meter is worth the dime

What an idiotic, stupid idea, the new parking meters on Brand Boulevard (“Frenzied feeding of meters,” Dec. 6). I asked a young man to help me.

He could not figure it out, then said, “Do your shopping in Burbank, like I do. They have the coin-operated meters.”

Why weren’t the regular coin meters installed? Everyone knows how to drop a coin.


I could rant about the letters published in Glendale News-Press for a long time, but let's just take a look at this one. The premise of this letter is that someone is apparently competent to drive a 4,000 pound automobile from Glendale to Burbank but is completely baffled by the parking meters on Brand Boulevard. Really?

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! Ahh, I love this post. Wow I need to crawl out from under this rock and get back into things; a few projects at work are coming to a close, so I'll be able to be with it again. Still reading - keep writing, your site is the best!
