The magazine reminded me that I have yet to take advantage of the free archery lesson offered by the Pasadena Roving Archers every Saturday morning:
Free Saturday Morning Archery ClassesPerhaps this weekend...
We conduct an ongoing program of classes for people interested in learning the sport of archery. PRA offers a Beginner’s class and a 6 week Basic Archery Instruction Program (BAIP). Classes are held every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. throughout the year. These classes are popular and fill up quickly so we recommend that you arrive at the range by 8:30 a.m. in order to be fitted with equipment. The introductory class is free and we invite a donation of $5.00 for subsequent classes.
This is Sarah Palin's's the first of many readings she's mandating across America so we can get to know the 'real' Sarah and her family. Other titles to follow include...