
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Police Report

After weeks of boring crime (GPS theft, possession, drunk in public), the latest police report is full of interesting details:
  • 800 block of Americana Way: A 50-year-old Glendale woman was arrested Tuesday at a Rite Aid for allegedly stealing two packs of M&Ms and $127 worth of makeup.
This is the first Americana crime mentioned so far. All those high-end shops and this lady goes for M&Ms and makeup?
  • 1100 block of North Louise Street: A 23-year-old La Crescenta woman was arrested Tuesday for allegedly being drunk in public after officers found her in an apartment building’s laundry room vomiting.
That's a low moment- stumbling into a random laundry room to vomit into a hamper.
  • Mountain Street at North Verdugo Road: A 50-year-old Glendale man was arrested for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk and for allegedly being in possession of marijuana.
Please note that riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in Glendale is against the law. The only place I've seen Glendale PD consistently enforcing this is downtown on Brand- unless they need a pretense to stop someone dodgy looking, which was probably the case here. Riding on the sidewalk is legal in the City of Los Angeles provided you stay away from pedestrians.

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