
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Salvation Army Store at Brand/WilsonTo Close

The Salvation Army is apparently not renewing their lease in the former Woolworth's building at Brand and Wilson. From today's Glendale News Press:
“Who we see going in this space is an upscale retailer that is going to really take advantage of being in that location with that visibility in a building that is architecturally unique and stylized,” Williams said. “It has a uniqueness to it that a lot of retailers will take advantage of.”

Williams said the property owner would ideally like to see one retailer occupy the entire ground-floor space, but management is also considering dividing the property to accommodate multiple tenants.

While the names of potential tenants have not been disclosed, the space will likely be marketed to drug store operators, high-end clothing stores and restaurants, Williams said.
I go to this Salvation Army all the time and will be sad to see it go. My best ever find at this store was a copy of Jim Backus' autobiography--autographed by Mr. Backus and his wife and inscribed to Barbara Stanwyck. For $2. I gave it to my boss, who was writing a book about Mr. Magoo (voiced by Backus) at the time.

Please, anything but a high-end clothing store.


  1. Gross. :( That makes me sad. This + Famima!! = DOUBLE WHAMMY.

    On the other hand...STORE CLOSING SALE OMG!!!

  2. Now, if only the city could do something about that eyesore of an empty lot (well, except for pumpkin/Christmas tree time) across Wilson. That sign on the land promoting its use by the Hollywood Production Center, which owns the land, just adds to the ugliness...

  3. Hi Mike, I actually have a forthcoming Glendale development megapost coming tonight that will address that empty lot.

  4. hi...i was just browsing the internets, and came upon your blog. i've lived in glendale, my entire life, and i've learned more in the past hour or so, than in the past 23 years about this hokey little place. :)

    I didn't know the salvation army was closing!

    i found an autographed, first edition, first print (!) copy of da vinci code in there about a year back for $4.
