Tomorrow night the Glendale City Council will review an initial concept presentation exploring the idea of capping the 134 freeway to create park space between Central and Glendale Avenue, similar to
Seattle's Freeway Park,
Boston's Rose Kennedy Greenway and the
proposed park over the 101 Freeway in Hollywood. Hopefully people will come speak at the meeting and
send the council letters in support of a project along these lines that would create more badly needed park space in Glendale. The funding to explore the idea came from a grant front the
Southern California Association of Governments, and has been led Glendale's mobility planner
Mike Nilsson in conjuction with planning and urban design consultants
Melendrez. Seeing something of this scale come to fruition would take many years, but the project is set up in phases that can be implemented if the support is there within the community.
Here's the staff report with the details:
Renderings of the idea and possible short and long term implementations of the concept:
An ambitious but doable idea! And perhaps the only viable way to create some open space in a densely-built downtown core. For a local example of this - albeit relatively small - check out Memorial Park in La Cañada, which sits astride the 210 freeway.
I would LOVE to see this happen -- even the first phase would be a huge improvement to my neighborhood. Currently that Glendale-Monterey intersection is a pedestrian nightmare.
Sorry -- I meant to say providing that they improve access across Glendale-Monterey.
This is a proposal that I have been advocating to our City Council's since I observed the success La Canada has had with there park built over the 210 freeway.
Caltrans will grant permission for the space over the freeway and this will also provide additional soccer fields for our AYSO soccer teams
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