Today kicked off in glorious, only-in-Glendale fashion: with two car accidents and some light insurance fraud!My colleagues and I heard a car horn on Broadway. We looked outside and witnessed the aftermath of a minor car accident. An Acura TSX wagon had bumped the rear of a Toyota Camry. Both cars stopped in the middle of Broadway, with the TSX's horn stuck and blaring away.
As we observed this sad spectacle, a silver Mercedes eyeballing the first accident rear-ended an Audi SUV!
The damaged luxury cars sensibly pulled forward to the other side of Maryland, while the Camry and TSX continued to tie up Broadway. It took ten minutes, two cops and a passerby with a wrench to turn the TSX's horn off. The woman driving the TSX was fine, but the man in the Camry, after initially walking around normally, put on a big show and was taken away in an ambulance; tying up a fire truck, a ton of firefighters, and the ambulance for the better part of a half hour.
A guy involved in the second accident removes the damaged grill of his Mercedes.
As we watched this scene unfold, the perception among my co-workers was that the guy in the Camry was dramatically overplaying the severity of the accident and was hoping for a settlement.
Mr. Wimpypants taken away by a brigade of firefighters and paramedics.
Zero visible damage on Mr. Wimpypants' car!